Saturday, 30 April 2011


I guess a few days turned into just over a month....sorry about that, I've got a million excuses, but none of them excuse me really, so sorry about that. If I may just use one of them, its that I've got 14 exams in the next three weeks, so I've kind've had to revise a bit, but I suppose I let myself off for 10 minutes or so to keep this going.

Anyway I promise to be back now, I've still got all the ideas for blog posts that I had before, so expect to see them in the future. I've noticed page views have gone quite a bit up, undoubtedly due to now being linked on Rebecca's World (Many, many thanks for that btw :) ) so I'll try and justify that with my posting.

I suppose the best way to apologise would be with a caption, so that's what I've done. Sorry if anyone's getting bored of Emma Watson by now :P

Emma x